21 days of prayer & fasting

We're starting 2024 with a time of prayer and fasting as a church community. We believe that God has something to say to each of us, our families, our neighborhoods and our church as a whole. But often times, life is so full of consumption that we have no room to hear God. Fasting helps us to clear the clutter and hear from God in a fresh way.

To help you navigate this time, we've provided Reading Plan Bookmarks. You can grab one any Sunday during our time of prayer and fasting. These journals have prayer prompts, scriptures and places for you to journal as God speaks to you!

Fast begins Monday morning, January 8th.
Fast will conclude January 28th with a Worship Night @ 6PM.

Need suggestions on what to fast? See below!
Download PDF version of the bookmark here.


As you fast & pray, consider these 3 areas:


This is food & physical needs. You may choose to give up a meal a day go without bread or dairy, or go without coffee. Pray and ask God what He might have you give up!


This is anything that affects your mind, will and emotions. Consider the content you take in via TV, Social Media, etc.


As you go without, the goal is to replace it with intentional times of prayer, reflection, solitude, intercession, journaling, etc. Whatever you've got to do to disconnect from things and hear from God!

These are just suggestions, each person may approach this season differently. In the end, fasting is less about what you're giving up and more about what it's pointing you toward. Allow this season move you closer to Jesus and deeper in your love for others.